Yesterday we headed "South" to East Lyme to visit the Florence Griswold Museum and after we left the museum we decided to check out Old Saybrook which is along the coast and see if we could find a quaint little town or a public beach. As it turned out, the coastline of Connecticut seems to be the same as

Rhode Island, private homes line the edge of the water and there are signs everywhere indicating that it is all private, no parking allowed. As we continued on the coast road, it turned inland toward a town called Niantic, and as I was using the Dro

id Maps, I saw that there was a bookstore coming up on the left called The Book Barn. We started looking out for it, but there was no worry that we would have passed it as it was a huge piece of property, someone's home and barn with book stalls and book huts and book sheds, even book wagons, in addition to the books in the barn. For all you Kindle users out there... you are missing the bookfindi

ng experience of beating the spiders off of the mystery books and side stepping the children sitting in wagons reading Madeline In Paris. When we leave the premises, Allan is still talking about all the treasures he had to pass up on this visit in order to purchase th

e Naval Histories of Samuel Elliot Morrison he found and I can't wait to show him the little book of travels that I happened to find about The Queen's Messenger, a man who traveled the world delivering personal dispatches from the Queen to her embassies around the globe and all of his experiences along the way.
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