In the last few days we have been exploring the different villages of the Cape, which means driving along through vast tracts of pine and deciduous forest intersper

sed with homes and business sometimes in little groupings and sometimes randomly placed back in the woods. It does not seem as if businesses have to be in a commercial district as they can appear just about anywhere, such as the Bank of America that was nestled between two residences in a completely residential area. This is also true of auto repair shops, a bookstore, beauty salon, or veterinarian; they just appear among homes along some street that is not in a town or even close to a town. And the towns are not large enough to be considered a town really, they are usually a main

street with a few restaurants and gift shops, maybe the library. Very different than the strip malls we see in the west. The beaches are mostly private. Very rarely have we found a public beach anywhere and if we do find one, then there is an attendant on duty to collect the $15 parking fee. For us that is too much money to pay to walk along the beach for a half hour or so to take some photos, so for the most part, we have not been able to get to the beach. One exception was a beach about 10 yards wide with signs on either side reminding the public riff raff to stay on their designated strip of beach. In the first beach photo you can see the signs posted on either side of the public strip of beach. The second photo shows the warning sign which is what we have been seeing all along the shores of Connecticut and Rhode Island as well. . . . . . . . . . . On the day that it rained all morning, we headed out to used bookstores on route 6A and found several books at Parnassas in Port Yarmouth Village, a couple of nautical books at Columbia Trading Co. in West Barnstable, and one or two books in Titcomb's Bookshop in East Sandwich. After lunch we visited a needlepoint shop

where I found a couple of canvases to work on this winter. . . . . . . . . . . On another day we drove through Hyannisport and then visited Trader Joes to stock up on coffee and other supplies, before heading to the most fabulous bakery we have seen in a long time called Pain de Avignon which is a French Bakery and the pastries were all enticing, the breads were all crusty, and the Frey's were busy loading up on scones, oatmeal cookies, and raisin pecan bread. . . . . . . . . . . One even

ing we visited Mary Anne Tessier and her husband Walt at their home for a wonderful dinner on the outside deck, talking about art and where to go while we were here. Mary Anne is also a pastel artist and is a member of our Arizona Pastel Assoc. although we met her originally at the home/studio of Nancy Clauss who was our teacher the first year we lived in Phoenix. On Sunday we saw Mary Anne again at an art fair that she participates in with her Yarmouthport Art Guild. It was fun to see all of her paintings and we really loved her paintings of the local scenery although we liked all of her animal paintings too. Yesterday we headed back up to Provincetown to have breakfast and give Allan a chance to walk way up the beach to get photos of the boats in

the water. He also got some photos of plein air artists painting the local scenes. One of the artists seems to have lost control of his paper towels in the wind which is only one of the many hazards of painting plein aire. Tomorrow morning we will be heading off to Foxborough, MA where we hope to take the train into Boston for a look at the bookstores they might have. They also have an Art Museum which we hope to visit. We are looking forward to seeing another new place.
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