Allan and I arrived in Cape Cod on Tuesday morning after a short journey from Mystic, Connecticut without any brake difficulties at all, what a relief to have that problem cleared up. Because the island of Newport, RI is between Mystic and Cape Cod, we had to drive north up to Providence, RI and then turn about a 45 degree turn and drive south for the same distance. The traffic was as described in all the tour books, a steady stream of cars and trucks going in both directions on route 6, the main road that goes from one end of Cape Cod to the other. Thanks to the Droid, we found the Old Chatham RV Resort in South Dennis easily but getting the 5th wheel into its space was not as easy and without the help of our new neighbor to our right and our new neighbor across the street, both of whom moved their cars and helped to direct Allan back into the spot without knocking down any of the old pines or overhead wires, we would still be out there working on our divorce. The resort is about 98% full of seasonal singlewides, park models, old trailers with patio rooms, and permanent fifth wheels with skirting. All of these vehicles stay here all year lo

ng and the people close them up in October for the winter and then return to them in April when the park reopens. The park is filled with tall pines and reminds us of the Monterey Peninsula in California, except it is a little more humid instead of the cooler fog that Monterey usually has in the summer. We spent the remainder of Tuesday doing the laundry and taking showers as we had no sewer in the Seaport Campground in Mystic, CN and it was extremely inconvenient to have to make an appointment with their little honey wagon that they brought around so that you could dump. So we are back in the lap of luxury here in Cape Cod with sewer and a good signal for the verizon air card and sunshine, lots of sunshine. The first thing we wanted to see while we were here was Provincetown. We had read so much about it, histo

rically it was one of the first places where the pilgrims landed, artistically it is the birthplace of the Cape Cod School of Art which was founded by Hawthorne, next run by Hensche, and then finally run by Lois Griffel, who now lives in Tucson. And of course it is famous as being a major gay resort with several of the guidebooks warning people if they are not comfortable with people of the same sex showing affection in public, they probably shouldn't go there. But as Allan and I are both from California, specifically around the San Francisco area... it was no problem for us and actually we usually find that some of the best restaurants and shops are in areas where the clientele is gay. We were not let down in any way... the town was right on the beach where the regular public was allowed to go without any payment whatsoever. The main street was lined with s

hops, cafes, galleries, and small hotels. The streets were so narrow that cars were only allowed on certain streets and even then those streets were one-way only. The pedestrians came in all sizes and shapes, wearing all sorts of outfits, families, dog walkers, couples holding hands, musclemen with gleaming torsos, harley davidson riders, bicyclists, and old men with crutches. Everyone was there and everyone was happy and friendly and glad to be walking in the sunshine. We had breakfast in the Post Office Cafe and it was one of the best meals we have had. Allan had linguica and eggs with pecan/raisen toast and I had potato pancakes with bacon and eggs. Then we set off for some retail therapy and purchased a funny little red plane which hangs from a rocker. As it rocks, the plane wings go up and down. Did we need this? No. Do we know where we are going to put it? No. Did we have to have it? Yes, absolutely, our memento from Provincetown. All of the photos are from Provincetown; the one on the top left is Commercial Street which is the main street of town, top right is Allan in one of the many fun shops lining Commercial Street, bottom left is looking out across the beach into the bay side of the Cape where the water is as warm as bath water, and bottom right is only one of the many buildings that were covered or surrounded in flowers.
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